Diamond Realty Management Inc.

Corporate Information

  • Company Name

    Diamond Realty Management Inc.

  • Business

    Private Real Estate Asset Management (Financial Products Business)

  • Date Established

    October 2004

  • Capital

    JPY 300Mil

  • Shareholder

    Mitsubishi Corporation (100%)

  • Board of Directors

    President and CEO Hisashi Ishiwata
    Executive vice president Kiyoto Asari
    Managing Director (part-time) Masahito Tamura
    Managing Director (part-time) Ryota Goshima
    Managing Director (part-time) Tomoyuki Oda
    Corporate Auditor Masahiro Nagaoka
    Corporate Auditor (part-time) Hiroaki Motegi

  • Executive Officers

    Soutarou Kamide
    Yosuke Tanaka
    Noriyasu Kobayashi
    Kiyoyuki Ito

  • Location

    10F, Hirakawacho Mori Tower, 16-1, Hirakawacho 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0093 Japan
    Access map

  • Number of Employees

    109 (As of end of Mar. 2024)

  • AUM

    JPY 973.4 Bil (As of end of Mar. 2024)
    *Including assets for which our company re-consigns only part of the investor support business for the overseas funds
    *In the case that a fund managed by our company invests in another fund managed by our company,
    the Assets Under Management of both funds are included
    *For the assets in the US, 1USD=130JPY

  • License

    Financial Instruments Business Licenses (Director General of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau No 840)
    – Investment Management Business License
    – Investment Advisory and Agency Business License
    -Type II Financial Instruments Business License
    Real Estate Brokers License (Tokyo Governer(4)No 83926 )
    Discretionary Transaction Agent License (Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport License No71)
    Money-Lending Business License (Tokyo Governer(5)No 31403)

  • Member Associations

    Japan Investment Advisers Association
    The Association for Real Estate Securitization
    The Investment Trusts Association, Japan
    Asian Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles(ANREV)
    Asia Pascific Real Estate Association(APREA)



Mitsubishi Corporation Group related companies

  • Mitsubishi Corporation Website
  • Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development, Inc. Website
  • Diamond Realty INVESTMENTS, Inc. Website
  • Diamond Realty Management America, Inc. Website
  • Mitsubishi Corporation LT, Inc. Website