Other Initiatives

Developing Employees That Generate Innovation

Personnel evaluation system

At the beginning of each fiscal year, our employees work together with their supervisors to set targets for their own operations. Evaluations of each employee are determined based on the degree of achievement of established targets, etc., and are determined after interim and year-end reviews. The amount of bonuses paid each year is partially linked to this evaluation.

Internal Training and Education System

In addition to in-house training sponsored by ourselves (new employee training, management training, mental health training, compliance training, training in accordance with revisions to laws, ESG and sustainability training, etc.), we have a training system of the Mitsubishi Corporation Group(basic skills improvement training, management training, and leadership training (held in some overseas locations) etc. )to promote the further growth of our employees in line with each stage. In addition to the above, based on the instructor system for new employees we provide the necessary support for employees to acquire business and adapt to the work environment.

Overseas Business Development and Overseas assignment

Starting with the private fund business in the United States that we launched in 2017, we are also developing a mezzanine debt fund business and private REIT business in the United States. In addition, we are in an environment where we have the opportunity to be involved in the real estate investment management business overseas, with active business collaboration and personnel dispatch with our group company, “Diamond Realty Investments, Inc.”

Task Force

When promoting company-wide projects, we form a cross-sectional task force based on personnel selected from each department as necessary, and work to resolve issues by bringing together wisdom that transcends the boundaries between departments. In addition to building internal relationships through collaboration with members from other departments, the task force also enables employees to acquire a wide range of knowledge and experience other than their own assigned duties.

Self-Development Support System

We provide financial support based on certain standards for our employees’ self-development activities, such as participation in training and seminars and acquisition of qualifications, with the aim of improving their expertise, professional skils, and language.

Increase Employee Satisfaction Level

Office environment that takes into consideration diverse working styles, health, and comfort

In October 2022, we undertook a complete renewal of our office environment to create “the environment where people can connect with each other and achieve group communication,” “multiple themed environments that are fun and festive,” and “the environment that enhances productivity and concentration.”

Creation of Comfortable Spaces

We have designed the office space without barriers to create a sense of unity, while at the same time allowing the number of seats to be increased in stages in anticipation of our company’s future growth.

Office image1 Office image2

Revitalization of Communication

We have prepared a cross-sectional discussion space with the aim of fostering innovation through conversations among employees.

Communication area image1 Communication area image2
Communication area

Enhancement of Productivity and Concentration

We have prepared spaces in which employees can concentrate on Web meetings and various tasks in a different location from their own seats.

Telecube Space for Concentration
Left: Telecube
Right: Space for Concentration

Free drink system

We have introduced a free vending machine (Free drink System) as part of our welfare program. At the same time, we have introduced charity vending machines to raise employee awareness of social contribution, and donate all of the sales to support activities.

Support activities


Gold Ribbon Network Support for children with child cancer to live with peace of mind and smiling faces.
For details on the Gold Ribbon Network, a certified NPO, please refer to the following.
Gold Ribbon Network, a certified NPO


TABLE FOR TWO Supporting School Lunch for Children in Asia and Africa
For details on TABLE FOR TWO International, a specified nonprofit corporation, please refer to the following.
TABLE FOR TWO International, a specified nonprofit corporation

Employee survey

Since fiscal 2013, we have conducted an organizational culture survey to reflect employees’ awareness and opinions about the company in company-wide organizational management.

Club Activity Support System

We provide financial support for employees’ club activities with the aim of facilitating internal communication and promoting mental and physical health.

Defined contribution pension plan

We have introduced a defined contribution pension plan (401K) to help improve employee engagement.